About Videogames and Metal subgenres.

Creating Gifs

Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful time! Today I’ll be showing you a few gifs I made with Giphy! But what does someone choose to make gifs about? So many options… But for this assignment, we had to choose 2 of our favorite movies, so for that reason, I chose Spider-Man 2 (2004) and Toy Story 3 (2010).

Start your engines and get ready!

Spider-man 2 (2004)

What’s not to love about Peter Parker? He’s our ever so brave friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! Always fighting against the odds, putting his life at risk to save others and a paragon of virtues. The Raimi Trilogy is very well-regarded with Spider-Man fans, since Raimi really knew how to portray Spider-Man, and especially Peter Parker (His human side), that’s why I had to choose Spider-Man 2 as one of my choices, it’s a movie I’ve loved ever since i was a kid!

For the first GIF, I chose the scene where common civilians stood in the way of Doc. Ock, who wanted to get to Spider-Man and take him to Harry Osborn (Peter’s Bestfriend) in exchange for tritium (an element) that would help him build a machine that would cause the death of many people.

Second GIF I went with is the scene that follows the one in the train I just showed, in this case, Doc. Ock leaves Spider-Man’s body in Harry’s room, who wants to kill Spider-Man because his dad died fighting him. Little does he know, unmasking Spider-Man will lead to a very unexpected result.

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Toy Story 3 is a heartwarming story and fun adventure with a surprising amount of character development for what it seems like a kid’s movie. It has lot of great moments and I wanted you guys to see my favorite 2!

The first GIF is about Lotso’s backstory, who is the main antagonist in the movie. From the start, Lotso commits many hateful acts against the main group, and even runs a toy mafia! It seems like he is just evil for no reason, but then his backstory is explained; Years ago, he used to be a girl’s favorite toy, always playing with him and taking him everywhere, until one day she fell asleep while playing outside and her parents brought her back, accidentally abandoning Lotso and a few other toys.

The second GIF shows one of the final moments of the film and the most emotional, after being betrayed by Lotso, who we thought had redeemed himself, the main group is left in the trash incinerator, ready to face death, and setting the differences aside that Woody and Buzz had.

Though just a few moments later, they were rescued by their toy alien friends.

And that it! Thank you for reading and I hope this brought you good memories, or inspired you to watch these movies!

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